Add mingling to your video calls

Zoomingle is the best way to have random, spontaneous video conversations with your coworkers and friends.


Zoomingle automatically creates and manages breakout rooms so everyone gets to mingle.


Haven’t chatted in a while?

When companies are remote, it’s hard to get to know anyone that you don’t happen to have specific meetings with. Solve that with a Zoomingle.


Enjoy real happy hours?

Let’s face it, remote happy hours are usually just a few people talking and the whole company pretending to listen with a drink on the screen. Set-up a Zoomingle instead.


Missing some spontaneity?

Randomly scheduling a video call with someone you don’t know well would be weird, but saying hi to them in the elevator isn’t. Discover something new with Zoomingle.


Easy To Set Up

Creating a Zoomingle is quick and easy. It’s just like a normal calendar invite, but you also set how many people you want in each “mingle” (think breakout room) and how long you want each one to last. Then everyone joins, and randomly gets added to new mingles throughout the duration of the Zoomingle session.


Customize A Lot Or A Little

It’s easy to get started, but each Zoomingle can be customized to exactly what your company or group wants. Want to change the mingle sizes halfway through? Want to add bios for each person so the mingling time isn’t spent on basic stuff everytime? Want to let everyone take notes after each mingle? Easy-peezy.


Built For The Remote Age

According to research from Owl Labs, remote employees miss social interactions with coworkers more than anything else. Nearly half of all respondents (48 percent) claimed it was the thing they missed most about working in an office.

If you’re working remote, just think of the last time you had a non-work related video chat with a coworker. Maybe never? That’s not healthy, and we’re here to help.


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